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Home Base Therapist

Master’s or Doctorate degree with a current license issued by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board as one of the following: Social Worker, Clinical Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist Associate or Mental Health Counselor Associate. 

Home Base Caseworker

seeking to employ homebased caseworkers to provide services to families who are involved in the child welfare system in Delaware, Grant, Hancock, Hamilton, Madison, Marion, & Tippecanoe county.

Supervised Family Visitation Facilitator

seeking to employ Supervised Family Visitation Facilitators to provide supervised visitation services to families who are involved in the child welfare system in Delaware, Grant, Hancock, Hamilton, Madison, Marion, & Tippecanoe county.

Father Engagement


seeking male caseworkers to work one on one with fathers whose child or Children are involved with Department of Child Services, to successfully engage fathers in services that will improve safety, stability, well-being, and permanency for their children. Caseworkers will assist fathers in strengthening the relationship with their children and promoting positive relationships between the families, the local DCS Family Case Managers, and others involved in their children’s care. Seeds of Life is also seeking individuals to facilitate weekly Father Engagement support groups.

Father and Daughter with Grocery
Seed of Life logo.png  |  2345 S. Lynhurst Dr. Suite 205 Indianapolis, IN 46241  |  317-926-0116 

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